SEM power analysis


SEM power analysis enables the computation of power parameters (such as required N and power) for a wide range of structural equation models. It can be used to estimate power parameters based on both chi-square constraints and Monte Carlo methods.

The module allows users to specify the prospective model using the syntax of the lavaan R package, with some modifications necessary to input the expected parameters. The results are partially obtained using the semPower R package, though several solutions are also implemented natively within the module.


The capabilities (so far) of the module is to obtain power parameters associated with tests of single coefficients, or combinations of coefficients.


The crucial aspect of the module usage is to input the expected model. One can start from a lavaan syntax model, such as

# latent variables 
   ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 
   dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 
   dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + y8 
 # regressions
   dem60 ~ ind60 
   dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60 
  # residual correlations
   y1 ~~ y5    

To input the expected coefficients, one multiplies each variable for the associated coefficient

# latent variables 
    ind60 =~ .6*x1 + .6*x2 + .6*x3
    dem60 =~ .8*y1 + .8*y2 + .8*y3 + .8*y4
    dem65 =~ .8*y5 + .8*y6 + .8*y7 + .8*y8
  # regressions
    dem60 ~ .3*a*ind60
    dem65 ~  .4*b*ind60 + .2*c*dem60
  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ .1*y5    

In this example, we specify that the latent variable ind60 should have loadings equal to \(0.6\), and both the latent variables dem60 and dem65 should have loadings equal to \(0.9\). Additionally, the regression coefficients for the latent variables are set to \(0.3\), \(0.4\), and \(0.2\), respectively. The scale of the coefficients should be chosen under the assumption that all observed variables are standardized.

Another requirement is to specify labels for the parameters we wish to test. In this example, we have labeled the three latent variables as \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\), respectively. This allows us to impose constraints on them and compute the required sample size (or power) to obtain a significant test (given a specified \(\alpha\)) for those particular coefficients or combinations of coefficients. This is achieved by constraining the coefficients to zero.

# latent variables 
    ind60 =~ .6*x1 + .6*x2 + .6*x3
    dem60 =~ .8*y1 + .8*y2 + .8*y3 + .8*y4
    dem65 =~ .8*y5 + .8*y6 + .8*y7 + .8*y8
  # regressions
    dem60 ~ .3*a*ind60
    dem65 ~  .4*b*ind60 + .2*c*dem60
  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ .1*y5
  # tests
    a == 0

In this case, we are requesting the power parameter associated with the coefficient \(a*ind60 = 0.3\). The module will compute the required parameters to obtain a statistically significant test by comparing two models: one where the coefficient of ind60 is freely estimated and another where the coefficient of ind60 is constrained to \(0\). In the module, this model looks like this:

After checking the usual input values (Type I error, required power, etc)


The main table reports the required N to achieve a statistically significant result when testing the ind60 coefficient. Additionally, we are provided with the path diagram to verify whether the model aligns with our expectations. Admittedly, the path diagram may appear a bit cluttered at times, but its purpose is solely to confirm the model’s structure, not to look aesthetically pleasing.

Multiple tests

It is often the case that a researcher needs to test more than one coefficient in the same model. In our example, for instance, we may want to test both \(a\) and \(b\), meaning that the power results will depend on both coefficient tests. However, when multiple hypotheses are involved, it is important to carefully distinguish between omnibus tests and conjunction tests.

An omnibus test refers to a statistical test that encompasses more than one null hypothesis, yielding a significant result if any of the null hypotheses are rejected. In SEM terms, an omnibus test is significant if any of the coefficients are significantly different from zero. For example, in linear models, the omnibus test of \(R^2\) becomes significant if the explained variance is significantly different from zero, regardless of whether this variance is explained by one, two, or more terms in the model.

A conjunction test, on the other hand, refers to a statistical test that also encompasses multiple null hypotheses but yields a significant result only if all null hypotheses are rejected. In SEM terms, a conjunction test is significant only if all coefficients are significantly different from zero.

In PAMLj, both types of tests are available:

  • Omnibus tests are specified by listing the coefficients to be tested, each with a separate constraint: \(p1==0\), \(p2==0\). In our example, assuming we want to test both \(a\) and \(b\), the code would look like this:
# latent variables 
    ind60 =~ .6*x1 + .6*x2 + .6*x3
    dem60 =~ .8*y1 + .8*y2 + .8*y3 + .8*y4
    dem65 =~ .8*y5 + .8*y6 + .8*y7 + .8*y8
  # regressions
    dem60 ~ .3*a*ind60
    dem65 ~  .4*b*ind60 + .2*c*dem60
  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ .1*y5
  # tests
    a == 0
    b == 0

This code computes the power parameters for testing that any coefficients among \(a\) and \(b\) is significant. As expected, the required N is smaller than in the previous example (where only \(a\) was tested), because it is easier —and thus more powerful — to detect any of two significant coefficients than to detect a specific one.

  • Conjunction tests cannot not (yet) be specified in the syntax. However, one can obtain an estimation of power and required sample size by adding a multiplicative constraints, and constraining the smallest coefficient to zero. In our example, assuming we want to test both \(a\) and \(b\), the code would look like this:
# latent variables 
    ind60 =~ .6*x1 + .6*x2 + .6*x3
    dem60 =~ .8*y1 + .8*y2 + .8*y3 + .8*y4
    dem65 =~ .8*y5 + .8*y6 + .8*y7 + .8*y8
  # regressions
    dem60 ~ .3*a*ind60
dem65 ~  .4*b*ind60 + .2*c*dem60
  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ .1*y5
  # tests
    a * b == 0
    a == 0

This code computes the power parameters for testing that both coefficients \(a\) and \(b\) are significant. Please note, however, that the power parameters obtained with this method are only an approximation of the actual population parameters. As expected, the required N is much larger than in the previous examples because it is more difficult—and thus requires more power—to detect both coefficients as significant compared to detecting just one or either of the two.


| Main panel


Minimal desired power Minimal desired power
FALSE Sample size
Alpha (Type I rate) Type I error rate (significance cut-off or alpha)
Tails Two-tailed vs one-tailed test

Model Method & Options

Estimator Estimator method used in SEM. ML for Maximum Likelihood
Standardized solution Assume the observed variables are standardized (selected) or not (unselected)
Method Use Analytic methods for computation of power parameter or Monte Carlo
Test Which test is used in Monte Carlo simulations: LRT or the Score test.
Explanatory text Output some explanatory text of the results
Path diagram Output the path diagram corresponding to the input model

| Sensitivity Analysis panel

Sensitivity analysis, which explores different plots of possible parameter combinations, can be conducted as in any other PAMLj sub-module. Please visit the Sensitivity analysis page for more details. For the SEM sub-module, sensitivity analysis is available only for varying N values. When the Monte Carlo method is selected, sensitivity analysis is performed using the analytic method; otherwise, the computation time would be extremely long.

| Power Parameters plot panel

Another way to conduct sensitivity analysis in PAMLj, is to plot combinations of different parameters, choosing which parameters go in the Y-axis and the X-axis.

The advantage of Power Parameters plot over the other plots produced by sensitivity analysis is that the user can choose the range of values used for the X-axis (the From and To field), and can break down the plot for different values of a third parameter Plot Different Curves by .

In particular:
Y-axis values Parameter in the Y-axis of custom power parameters plot. N, Power or Effect Size.
Show values Add value labels to the custom power parameters plot.
Show table Produce a table of the values plotted in custom power parameters plot
X-axis values Parameter in the X-axis of custom power parameters plot. N, Power or Effect Size.
From Range for the parameter in the X-axis of custom power parameters plot. Starting value.
To Range for the parameter in the X-axis of custom power parameters plot. Ending value.
Parameter break down the custom power parameters plot by a parameter. N, Power, Type I error (sig.level) or Effect size.
Number of curves Number of lines to plot

| Options panel

Monte Carlo

Parallel computation Should parallel computing be used for the Monte Carlo method
Use a seed Should we use a seed for the Monte Carlo method
Number of simulations Number of repetitions for Monte Carlo method
Seed What seed should we use for Monte Carlo method. Default is Life, the Universe and Everything


Parallel computation Should parallel computing be used for the Monte Carlo method
Use a seed Should we use a seed for the Monte Carlo method


Number of simulations Number of repetitions for Monte Carlo method
Seed What seed should we use for Monte Carlo method. Default is Life, the Universe and Everything

Path Diagram

Boxes size Size of the path diagram boxes: small, medium, large

Model Check

Implied Covariances Output the implied variances-covariances of observed variables
Implied Latent Covariances Output the implied variances-covariances of latent variables
Standardized regression Output the implied standardized regression coefficients

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