Factorial designs: power from effect size
Here we compare the results of PAMLj with other software that performs power analysis. In particular, we will compare our results with R pwr package and G*Power.
Between-subjects ANOVA
When dealing with Between-subjects designs, the
Factorial Design Power Analysis
sub-command is equivalent
to the GLM power analysis
, so the results perfectly agree.
The only difference between the two sub-commands is that the GLM command
requires to input the model degrees of freedom, whereas the Factorial
sub-command requires to input the total number of groups in the designs.
In Rosetta: GLM posthoc power
we have seen that GLM power analysis
results align with
G*Power and pwr::pwr.f2.test
R function, so here we simply
need to show that Factorial Design Power Analysis
sub-command indeed agrees with GLM power analysis
We use the ANOVA example in Rosetta: GLM posthoc power, in which an ANOVA design \(A \times B \times C\) with \(A\) and \(B\) having 3 levels and \(C\) with 4 levels. Thus the overall model features 36 groups, with \(A\) and \(B\) effects having 3 groups and 2 degrees of freedom, and \(C\) having 4 groups and 3 DF. The researcher is interested in the power of the test associated with the interaction \(A*B\), with a partial Eta-squared \(p\eta^2=0.05665751\) (here the value is slightly different than in GPower manual, but this value honors the f value used in the manual). The interaction spreads across 9 groups or \(DF=2*2=4\) degrees of freedom. Here are the parameters.
- Aim = Sample Size
- \(p\eta^2\) = 0.05665751
- \(f\) = 0.24507
- Effect DF = 4
- Number of groups in the design = 36
- Model DF = 35
- Power = .475627
- Alpha = .05
- Correct results: N = 108
First notice that for this problem, GPower offers F test: Fixed effects ANOVA routine, which requires an \(f\) as the effect size . \(f\) is simply the square root of \(f^2\) so it can be computed from the partial Eta-squared as \(f=\sqrt{p\eta^2/(1-p\eta^2)}\) .
Plugging in the parameters we obtain:
As we have seen in Rosetta: GLM
posthoc power, pwr.f2.test
command will underestimate
the power due to the fact that the non centrality parameter is smaller
than the one used in G*Power. Nonetheless, we can get an approximated
estimation of the sample size by computing the N employing the whole
model DF \(m=35\), yielding \(v=N+m+1\)
(res<-pwr::pwr.f2.test(f2=f2,u=4, power=power,sig.level=.05))
## Multiple regression power calculation
## u = 4
## v = 101.0071
## f2 = 0.06006038
## sig.level = 0.05
## power = 0.475627
## [1] 137
As expected, the required sample size obtained in
is larger than the one obtained in GPower.
We plug in the partial Eta-squared and the required parameters, and we obtain N=108, as in GPower.
To obtain a practically equivalent result of the one obtained with
, we can simply select the Liberal
in the Non-centrality parameter options
Repeated Measures ANOVA
To test the Factorial design power analysis
for repeated measures or mixed designs, we can compare results with
GPower and
R package. However, in G*Power the default effect size used for
repeated-measures effects is defined in a different way as compared with
Factorial design power analysis
sub-module, Superpower or
even SPSS. Moreover, Superpower
package requires to input
the expected means of the design cells and it only produces estimation
of power,not the required N. Nonetheless, we can still make some useful
We start with a 2x2 repeated measures design as described in Caldwell et al. Superpower 2x2 within-within example. They tested a 2x2 design with 25 participants, with interaction effect as follows:
- Aim = Power
- AXB \(p\eta^2\) = 0.1428571
- \(f\) = 0.40825
- Effect DF = 1
- Number of groups in the design = 1
- N = 25
- Alpha = .05
- Correct results: AxB power =.484
In the Superpower
package, we can obtain the results
with the following code:
mu = c(700, 670, 670, 700)
n <- 25
sd <- 150
r <- 0.75
string = "2w*2w"
alpha_level <- 0.05
design_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_design(design = string,
n = n,
mu = mu,
sd = sd,
r = r, plot=FALSE)
exact_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_exact(design_result,
alpha_level = alpha_level,
verbose = FALSE)
## power partial_eta_squared cohen_f non_centrality
## a 5.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0
## b 5.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0
## a:b 48.40183 0.14286 0.40825 4
As regard G*Power
, the correct input requires some
reasoning. First, G*Power
uses different definition of the
effect size. Both Superpower
and PAMLj use the standard partial-eta squared,
the same effect size one would find in SPSS repeated-measure Anova
analysis. To set G*Power
to use this effect size, we
selected the appropriate option in Options
Furtheremore, G*Power
requires in input the number of
repeated measures and the number of groups in the design. Because the
example is a completely repeated measure design, the number of groups is
simply 1. However, even though the interaction has 4 repeated measures,
the actual degrees of freedom are only 1, because for the interaction we
have \(DF=(a-1)(b-1)\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are the number of levels of the
factors. Now, to “trick” G*Power
to compute the power for
an effect with 1 DF, we should declare that the repeated measures levels
are 2. After all, a 2-way interaction in a repeated measure design is
simply the differences between two difference values, so the setup is
not so far away from the actual design. That, indeed, produces the
correct output.
The setup in PAMLj is straightforward and produced the expected results.
Required N
We can use the same design to test the convergence of G*Power and PAMLj in computing the required N.
- Aim = N
- AXB \(p\eta^2\) = 0.1428571
- \(f\) = 0.40825
- Effect DF = 1
- Number of groups in the design = 1
- Power = .90
- Alpha = .05
- Correct results: AxB N =66
Results are identical with required \(N=66\). As an additional test, we can ask
to compute the power fo \(N=66\), expecting an estimated power very
similar to .90.
mu = c(700, 670, 670, 700)
n <- 66
sd <- 150
r <- 0.75
string = "2w*2w"
alpha_level <- 0.05
design_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_design(design = string,
n = n,
mu = mu,
sd = sd,
r = r, plot=FALSE)
exact_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_exact(design_result,
alpha_level = alpha_level,
verbose = FALSE)
## power partial_eta_squared cohen_f non_centrality
## a 5.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00
## b 5.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00
## a:b 89.27484 0.13976 0.40307 10.56
Interestengly, if we user Superpower
power estimation, we get an even closer result to the one obtained in
mu = c(700, 670, 670, 700)
n <- 66
sd <- 150
r <- 0.75
string = "2w*2w"
alpha_level <- 0.05
design_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_design(design = string,
n = n,
mu = mu,
sd = sd,
r = r,plot=FALSE)
random_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_power(design_result,
alpha_level = alpha_level,
verbose = FALSE,seed=12^3)
## power effect_size
## anova_a 4.7 0.01444
## anova_b 5.1 0.01595
## anova_a:b 90.4 0.14863
Let’s now assume that the design we just analyzed was a mixed between-within design. We can use an example in Caldwell et al. Superpower Complex Mixed Anova example. Here we have 4 (Time) x 2 (Treatment) design, with Time with four repeated measures and Treatment with two groups. Differently from the example in Caldwell et al., we assume 60 participants, so the power estimates do not ceil up to 1. The setup is the following:
- Aim = power
- Treatment \(p\eta^2\) = 0.01598 (df=1)
- Time \(p\eta^2\) = 0.04717
- Treatment X Time \(p\eta^2\) = 0.02418 (df=3)
- Number of groups in the design = 2
- N = 60 (30 per group)
- Alpha = .05
Running the analysis with Superpower
we obtain.
cor_1 <- matrix(c(1,.6,.491,.399,
.399,.402,.491,1), nrow=4)
cor_2 <- cor_1*0
pain_cor_mat <- cbind(rbind(cor_1,cor_2),
design_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_design("2b*4w",
n = 30,
mu = c(2.4, 2.38, 2.05, 1.90,
2.4, 2.39, 2.36, 2.30),
sd = .92,
r = pain_cor_mat,
labelnames = c("Treatment", "sensory", "standard",
"TIME", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"),
plot = FALSE)
exact_result <- Superpower::ANOVA_exact(design_result,
alpha_level = alpha_level,
verbose = FALSE)
## power partial_eta_squared cohen_f non_centrality
## Treatment 15.90956 0.01598 0.12742 0.94169
## TIME 67.91487 0.04717 0.22249 8.61356
## Treatment:TIME 37.65318 0.02418 0.15742 4.31189
## Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
## Response: y
## Effect df MSE F pes p.value
## 1 Treatment 1, 58 2.06 0.94 .016 .336
## 2 TIME 3, 174 0.44 2.87 * .047 .038
## 3 Treatment:TIME 3, 174 0.44 1.44 .024 .234
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '+' 0.1 ' ' 1
which align quite well with the PAMLj results, with some small differences mostly due to approximation.
Main effect of Treatment
Main effect of Time
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